GOD TEACHES US ABOUT HONOR adrakes845@yahoo.comJanuary 19, 2025Leave a comment GOD TEACHES US ABOUT HONORRevelation 4:11 “Our Lord and God, you deserve to receive glory, honor, and power because you created everything. Everything came into existence and was created because of your will.”Leviticus 19:32 “Show respect to the elderly, and honor older people. In this way you show respect for your God. I am the LORD.Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live for a long time in the land the LORD your God is giving you.Matthew 15:4 For example, God said, ‘Honor your father and your mother’ and ‘Whoever curses father or mother must be put to death.’I HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS QUICK REFRESHER.ALLOW THESE VERSES TO BE A GUIDE UNTO YOUR LIFE.Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.comPayPal.me/donatetochurchPASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM