3 John 1:2
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well.”
3 John 1:2 is a Bible verse that brings hope. It tells us that God wants us to do well in life and be healthy just like our soul does well. This verse talks about being blessed not just with money but having a good life all around.
People use it to say that all great things come from God, including peace inside our hearts and strong bodies.
This message fits right into the idea of abundance, which is more than having lots of stuff; it’s about living fully and richly in every way. It’s like getting a high-five from above for all parts of your life — your mind, body, and spirit.
Proverbs 10:22
“The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for it.”
Proverbs 10:22 tells us that the Lord’s blessing can bring wealth. This kind of wealth is special because it comes from living right, not by other means. It shows that true riches are about more than just money—they come from God’s goodness and lead to a life filled with joy, not trouble.
The wisdom we speak shows if we understand this truth. While this verse talks of abundance, it doesn’t promise everyone will get rich. Instead, it highlights how different ways of gaining wealth stack up—God’s way versus our own.
Psalm 1:1-3
“Blessed is the one who does not walk in step with the wicked or stand in the way that sinners take or sit in the company of mockers, but whose delight is in the law of the Lord, and who meditates on his law day and night. That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither—whatever they do prospers.”
Psalm 1:1-3 tells us about a happy person. This person doesn’t follow bad advice or stand around with sinners. Instead, they love the Lord’s teaching and think about it day and night.
They are like a tree by the water that grows strong. Its leaves stay green, and it always has fruit, even when things get hot. It’s not worried because its roots reach into the cool stream below.
Just like this tree, a good person has deep roots in God’s ways. They don’t get scared when trouble comes. Their life stays fresh and full, just like the green leaves on that tree by the river — always growing and succeeding in all they do.