God teaches us about sin adrakes845@yahoo.comAugust 27, 2023Leave a comment God teaches us about sin1. Sin weakens the body, as inferred by Christ: “Go and sin no more,” to the impotent man (John 5:14).2. Sin impairs the mind, as is illustrated in the King of Babylon—Dan. 4:28–34.3. Sin robs the soul, for its wages is death—Rom. 6:23.4. Sin mars the spirit, for it deceives those who are its votaries—Heb. 3:13.5. Sin darkens the understanding, as Christ told the Pharisees—John 9:41.6. Sin deafens the spiritual sense, for it causes us to forget the Lord—Deut. 8:11, 14.7. Sin cripples the memory, for it causes men to turn away from the truth—2 Tim. 4:3, 4.I HOPE YOU FOUND THIS QUICK STUDY TO BE HELPFUL.PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAMEVERLASTING SALVATION CHURCH OF GOD MINISTRIESPayPal.me/donatetochurchChurch link:Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com