THIS IS HOW THEY TREATED JESUS: adrakes845@yahoo.comApril 30, 2023Leave a comment THIS IS HOW THEY TREATED JESUS:Fourteen Things Done to Christ1. Spat in His Face—Matt. 27:30.2. Buffeted His Cheeks—Matt. 26:67.3. Bound His Hands—Matt. 27:2.4. Scourged His Back—Matt. 27:26.5. Stripped His Body—Matt. 27:28.6. Lacerated His Head—Matt. 27:29.7. Plucked Off His Hair—Isa. 1:6.8. Took Away His Garments—Mark 15:24.9. Mocked His Person—Matt. 27:29, 39–47.10. Condemned Unjustly—Luke 23:41.11. Libelled His Mission—Mark 15:29, 30.12. Taunted His Works—Mark 15:31.13. Spiked His Feet—Psa. 22:16.14. Speared His Side—John 19:34.“They called Him ‘Fool’ and ‘Traitor,’ as through the land He went;They cried out ‘Agitator’ and ‘Brand of Discontent.’From altar and from steeple, upon this man forlorn,The priests and goodly people hurled wrath and bitter scorn.They called Him ‘Cheat’ and ‘Fakir,’ and drove Him from the door;They shouted, ‘Mischief Maker, begone, and come no more!’From border unto border they hounded Him, lest He’Upset a stablished order and bring on anarchy.’At length they seized and tried Him, that they might have their will,And so they crucified Him upon a lonely hill.The outcast agitator, driven by scourge and rod,They called ‘Fool’ and ‘Traitor,’ and now we call Him ‘God.’JESUS ENDURED ALL OF THIS BECAUSE OF US, AND HE NEVER STOPPED LOVING US.PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAMEVERLASTING SALVATION CHURCH OF GOD