HOW ARE YOU LIVING adrakes845@yahoo.comMarch 19, 2023Leave a comment HOW ARE YOU LIVING?1. The prodigal followed the soul-wasting life by “riotous living” (Luke 15:13).2. The believer in Christ is declared to “live” because of Christ (“by” means “because of”), hence the Christian life is from the Lord—John 6:57.3. The justified “live by faith” (Rom. 1:17).4. As priests, we present our bodies a “living sacrifice,” and thus live consecratedly (Rom. 12:1).5. As the Lord’s own, we are responsible to “live unto the Lord” (Rom. 14:7, .6. As those who are redeemed, our motto is, “For me to live is Christ” (Phil. 1:21).7. To “live soberly, righteously, and godly” in this world, is to prove we know the grace of God (Titus 2:12; 1 Peter 2:24).8. To “live in the Spirit” is to evidence we have life from Him (Gal. 5:25).JESUS IS THE PERFECT EXAMPLE FOR MAN-KIND TO FOLLOW.IF YOU ARE A CHRISTIAN, YOU WILL LIVE YOUR LIFE IN A MANOR THAT REFLECTS CHRIST.SELF-CHECK, HOW ARE YOU LIVING?PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAMEVERLASTING SALVATION CHURCH OF GOD