Duty in relation to oneself.
Four laws governing., Lu. 17:1–16
Fourfold duty., He. 10:22–25; 13:13–16; Jude 17–25
How to live in light of the new heavens & earth., 2 Pe. 3:11–14
Must not try to serve two masters. Cannot., Lu. 16:13
Not to be anxious, but to pray about everything., Ph. 4:6–8
Not to be conceited., Ro. 12:16
Not to be slothful., Ro. 12:11
Not to continue in sin., Ro. 6:1–10; 6:11–13; 1 Jn. 3:6–7; 3:9
Not to harden one’s heart., He. 3:7–11
Not to think one can sin & sin & still be forgiven., Ep. 5:5–6
Not to think too highly of oneself., Ro. 12:6–8
Not to use one’s liberty as a license to sin., Ro. 6:14–23
Not to worry about necessities., Lu. 12:22–34
Rules for discipleship., Lu. 6:39–45
Seven marks of believers., He. 13:1–8
To abstain from fleshly lusts., 1 Pe. 2:11–12
To accept others., Lu. 9:49–50
To add certain things., 2 Pe. 1:5–7
To arise & stand forth., Mk. 3:3
To awaken out of sleep., Ro. 13:11–14
To be a peacemaker., Mt. 5:9
To be clean-bodied., Ep. 5:3
To be clean-mouthed., Ep. 5:4
To be completely changed., Ga. 1:10–16
To be diligent in working out one’s own salvation., 2 Pe. 1:5–15
To be fearless., 1 Jn. 4:18
To be fervent & zealous of good works., Ro. 12:11; Tit. 2:14
To be humble & meek., Mt. 5:5; Ph. 2:3–4; 1 Pe. 5:5–6
To be hungering & thirsting after righteousness., Mt. 5:6
To be loving., 1 Th. 4:9
To be loyal., Mt. 5:10–12; 10:32–33
To be merciful., Mt. 5:7
To be mourning., Mt. 5:4
To be obedient to God & Christ., Jn. 14:21, 23–24; 15:10, 14
To be poor in spirit., Mt. 5:3
To be pure., Mt. 5:8; 1 Th. 4:1–8
To bear fruit., Mk. 4:20; Jn. 15:1–8
To beware of some things., Mk. 12:38–40
To boast in the cross., Ga. 6:14–17
To build oneself up in the faith.
Four warnings., Jude 20–21
To cleave to the good., Ro. 12:9–10
To combat the flesh., Ga. 5:16–21
To conquer trials., Ro. 12:12
To constantly pray., Ro. 12:12
To control one’s conversation., Col. 4:6
To control one’s mind & thoughts., Ro. 8:5–7; 2 Co. 10:3–5; Ph. 4:8–9
To count one’s self dead to sin., Ro. 6:1–10
To dedicate one’s body as a living sacrifice., Ro. 12:1–2
To deny oneself., Mk. 8:34
To die to oneself. (See SELF-DENIAL)
To discern spiritual things., 1 Co. 2:15–16
To do all in the name of the Lord., Col. 3:17
To do the expedient, not just the lawful., 1 Co. 6:12–20
To enjoy life., 1 Pe. 3:10–12
To examine oneself., 2 Co. 13:5
To fear certain things., 2 Co. 11:1–15
To flee youthful lusts., 2 Ti. 2:22–26
To follow peace & holiness., He. 12:14
To forget the past., Ph. 3:13
To get up, face circumstances, & conquer., Ph. 4:11–14
To give all one is & has—all beyond necessities., Ac. 4:32–37
To give generously., Ro. 12:13
To give undivided attention to one’s task., Jn. 21:20–23
To grow in grace & in the knowledge of Christ., 2 Pe. 1:18
To guard against immaturity & falling away., He. 5:11–6:2
To guard against unrighteous character., 1 Co. 6:9–11
To hate evil., Ro. 12:9–10
To hold fast., 2 Ti. 1:13–18
To keep oneself from idols., 1 Jn. 5:21
To keep oneself pure., 1 Ti. 5:22
To labor for reward., Mt. 10:1–16; He. 11:1–40; 12:1–4
To labor one hundred percent., Mt. 13:8, 23; Lu. 19:15–23
To let the gospel abide within., 1 Jn. 2:24–27
To live a consistent life., Ga. 5:25
To live a life of heavenly behavior & conduct., Ph. 3:20–21
To live a morally pure life., 1 Th. 4:1–8
To live above reproach., Ro. 12:17
To live as a citizen of heaven., Ph. 1:27
To live by the golden rule., Mt. 7:12
To live free of sin., 1 Jn. 5:16–21
To live in prayer—to pray about everything & know the constant peace of God., Ph. 4:6–7
To live worthy of the gospel., Ph. 1:27
To look for a new heavens & earth., 2 Pe. 3:12–15
To love life for the sake of the gospel., Mk. 8:35
To match one’s profession., 1 Jn. 2:3–6
To mind one’s own business., 1 Th. 4:11
To mortify, put to death, five things., Col. 3:5–7
To obey. Not an option., Jn. 14:15; Ph. 2:12
To obey the truth., Ga. 5:7–12
To pass one’s time in reverence., 1 Pe. 1:17–21
To pray. (See PRAYER), Col. 4:2–4
To press on., Ph. 3:1–21
To purify oneself., 1 Jn. 3:3
To put on Christian virtues., Col. 3:12–17
To rejoice in hope., Ro. 12:12
To sin no more. After being helped & healed., Jn. 5:13–14
To strip off six things., Col. 3:8–11
To strive for the faith of the gospel., Ph. 1:27
To struggle for deliverance., Ro. 8:23–27
To study to be quiet., 1 Th. 4:11
To use one’s time wisely., Ro. 13:11–14
To walk as a child of light., Ep. 5:8–14
To walk carefully & strictly., Ep. 5:15–21
To walk humbly., Ro. 12:3–5; 12:9–10
To walk in the truth., 2 Jn. 4
To walk worthy of one’s calling., Ep. 4:1–6
To watch. Fear certain things., Lu. 6:39–45
To watch & not be sleepy., 1 Th. 5:2–11
To watch & pray for the end time., Lu. 21:34–36
To watch & work for judgment is coming., Mt. 25:14–30
To work before the night comes., Jn. 11:7–10
To work out one’s own salvation., Ph. 2:12–13; 2 Pe. 1:5–15