Romans 16:1–2 With this letter I’m introducing Phoebe to you. She is our sister in the Christian faith and a deacon of the church in the city of Cenchrea. Give her a Christian welcome that shows you are God’s holy people. Provide her with anything she may need, because she has provided help to many people, including me.
IN THESE TWO VERSES WE SEE THAT Phoebe: a Christian sister who deserved to be welcomed and befriended.
Note these facts about her.
a. The name Phoebe is one of the names of the goddess Diana; therefore, Phoebe was probably a convert from a heathen religion.
b. Paul calls her “our sister,” meaning a sister in the faith of Christ. She was a woman beloved by Paul and the believers of her church, highly esteemed as a genuine sister of the faith.
c. Phoebe was a servant of the church at Cenchrea, which was the seaport of Corinth. Note the word servant (diakonon). It is the word deacon or deaconess. Does this mean that Phoebe held the official office of a deacon in the early church? Note closely what the Scripture says and it seems to be saying that she did: “Phoebe our sister, which is a servant (deaconess) of the church.” The words of the church (tes ekklesias) modify servant or deaconess. Phoebe was a servant or a deaconess of the church which is at Cenchrea. Paul is not saying she is a servant of the Lord to all of God’s people in general. She was, of course, just as all believers are. But this is not what Paul is saying. He is very clear about the matter: she is an official “servant [deaconess] of the church which is at Cenchrea.”
The separation of the sexes in that day would almost necessitate some official office of women to minister to the women of the church. This would be especially true in the area of ministry where women would be alone, for example, in visiting and caring for the sick and in distributing food and clothing among the needful.
d. Phoebe deserved to be welcomed and befriended in the Lord. There are two reasons for this.
1) Believers are always to welcome and befriend other believers. The church is not an exclusive club nor a society of cliques. It is to be a welcoming center for all strangers and neighbors, whether saint or sinner.
2) Phoebe had been a succourer (prostatis) of many, including Paul himself. The word succourer means that she protected, helped, looked after, and provided for people. Phoebe was a woman who ministered to the needs of many. Apparently, she helped and looked after the welfare of any who had need.
The great lessons to be learned from Phoebe are twofold:
⇒ We should be servants of the church.
⇒ We should be constantly ministering to all who are in need.
God felt that is was acceptable to use a woman as deacon within His church. God did not have a problem using a woman in a leadership position within His church. IF IT IS OKAY WITH GOD IT IS OKAY WITH ME.
AND THINK ABOUT THIS: A local church should be a friendly, welcoming church—an open, gracious church. There should be no strangers in the Lord’s church. The church should guard against becoming a closed society, a body of cliques, shut up only to themselves.