Disobedience adrakes845@yahoo.comDecember 29, 2024Leave a comment DisobedienceDamage and distress are sure to follow in the steps of disobedience.1. Abram found it so when he left the Bethel of communion for the Egypt of compromise—Gen. 12:7–13.2. Moses lost the land of promise through using the rod of self-will—Num. 20:10–12.3. Jonah got an uncomfortable bed through not going to the Nineveh of ministry—Jonah 1:17.4. Peter found his “net” broken through not letting down the “nets” of full obedience—Luke 5:4–6.5. The man of God out of Judah lost his life through listening to the lying prophet of Bethel—1 Kings 13:20–26.6. The children of Israel dug graves for themselves in the wilderness by means of their evil heart of unbelief—Heb. 3:17.7. Solomon got his soul hurt by getting into the trap of fleshly desire—1 Kings 11:4.DISOBEDIENCE BRINGS CONSEQUENCESBE CAREFUL HOW YOU CHOOSE TO LIVE.Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.comPayPal.me/donatetochurchPASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM