God blesses his people when he bestows on them some gift temporal or spiritual
Genesis 1:22 God blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the sea, and let there be many birds on the earth.”
Job 42:12 The LORD blessed the latter years of Job’s life more than the earlier years. He had 14,000 sheep and goats, 6,000 camels, 2,000 oxen, and 1,000 donkeys.
We bless God when we thank him for his mercies
Psalm 103:1–2 Praise the LORD, my soul! Praise his holy name, all that is within me. Praise the LORD, my soul, and never forget all the good he has done:
Psalm 145:1–2 I will highly praise you, my God, the king. I will bless your name forever and ever. I will bless you every day. I will praise your name forever and ever.
A man blesses himself when he invokes God’s blessing, or rejoices in God’s goodness to him
Isaiah 65:16 Whoever asks for a blessing in the land will be blessed by the God of Truth. Whoever swears an oath in the land will swear by the God of Truth. Past troubles are forgotten. They are hidden from my eyes.
Psalm 49:18 Even though he blesses himself while he is alive (and they praise you when you do well for yourself),
One blesses another when he expresses good wishes or offers prayer to God for his welfare (Gen. 24:60; 31:55; 1 Sam. 2:20). Sometimes blessings were uttered under divine inspiration, as in the case of Noah, Isaac, Jacob, and Moses (Gen. 9:26, 27; 27:28, 29, 40; 48:15–20; 49:1–28; Deut. 33). The priests were divinely authorized to bless the people (Deut. 10:8; Num. 6:22–27). We have many examples of apostolic benediction (2 Cor. 13:14; Eph. 6:23, 24; 2 Thess. 3:16, 18; Heb. 13:20, 21; 1 Pet. 5:10, 11).