THE PRESENCE OF GOD adrakes845@yahoo.comDecember 8, 2024Leave a comment THE PRESENCE OF GODPs 139:7–12Where can I go ⸤to get away⸥ from your Spirit? Where can I run ⸤to get away⸥ from you? If I go up to heaven, you are there. If I make my bed in hell, you are there. If I climb upward on the rays of the morning sun ⸤ or⸥ land on the most distant shore of the sea where the sun sets, even there your hand would guide me and your right hand would hold on to me. If I say, “Let the darkness hide me and let the light around me turn into night,” even the darkness is not too dark for you. Night is as bright as day. Darkness and light are the same ⸤to you⸥.Ps 145:18–19The Lord is near to everyone who prays to him, to every faithful person who prays to him. He fills the needs of those who fear him. He hears their cries for help and saves them.Mt 18:20Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them.”Mt 28:20Teach them to do everything I have commanded you. “And remember that I am always with you until the end of time.”1 Co 3:16Don’t you know that you are God’s temple and that God’s Spirit lives in you?I HOPE YOU RECEIVED FROM THIS QUICK ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM