THIS IS THE LORD SPEAKING adrakes845@yahoo.comDecember 1, 2024Leave a comment THIS IS THE LORD SPEAKINGJeremiah 18:7–107 “At one time I may threaten to tear up, break down, and destroy a nation or a kingdom. 8 But suppose the nation that I threatened turns away from doing wrong. Then I will change my plans about the disaster I planned to do to it.9 “At another time I may promise to build and plant a nation or a kingdom. 10 But suppose that nation does what I consider evil and doesn’t obey me. Then I will change my plans about the good that I promised to do to it.THINK ABOUT WHAT IS BEING SAID HERE. NOW APPLY IT TO YOUR LIFE. THINK ABOUT IT AGAIN.HOW ARE YOU LIVING? WILL YOUR LIFESTYLE CAUSE GOD TO WANT TO CHANGE HIS PLANS FOR YOUR LIFE? ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM