Matthew 18:19–20 “I can guarantee again that if two of you agree on anything here on earth, my Father in heaven will accept it. Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them.”
This passage shows us the power of united prayer—even if the number praying is only two persons.
1. Christ says, “Anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them” (v.19).
2. Christ also says, “There am I in the midst of them” (v.20). Note: Christ did not say, “I will be there.” He is already there. This is a very special presence, the real, actual presence of Christ. It is equivalent to the Shekinah glory, the very special presence of God that dwelt in the tabernacle and temple. It is a deep sense, a consciousness, an intense awareness of God’s Spirit communing with our spirit. God manifests His presence in a very special way to the believer (see note—Jn. 14:21–22; 2 Co. 3:17–18).
However, two things are absolutely essential to experience the power of united prayer.
1. “If two of you shall agree [sumphonesosin]”: the words shall agree mean to be in complete accord; to harmonize together like that of a symphony; to sound together; to act together in each other’s nature. It is the very opposite of wandering thoughts, half-hearted commitment, disconnected purpose, disjointed and misplaced understanding, unsynchronized spirits, and incomplete and piecemeal knowledge.
2. If “two or three are gathered together in my name [eis to emon unoma]”: literally this says “into my name.” The idea is close and intimate union with Christ. It is a “getting into” the Spirit of Christ; a longing to be in union with Him and to act only for His glory. It is a depth of spiritual union demonstrated by so few. Note: it comes not only from private prayer but from prayer with others.
This says something of critical importance. We should never attempt to correct a brother unless we first have a deep spiritual union with Christ—a union so deep that we can act only for His glory. We must be free of all fleshly urges to get at a brother. We must act only for God’s glory.