1. We are commanded to keep holy the Sabbath Day—Exod. 20:8–10. When God commands, it is for us to obey.
2. We are to rest one day in seven, because God rested from His creative work on the seventh day—Gen. 2:2. It is economic and essential that everything that works should have a period of rest.
3. The early Christians by the practice of gathering together to worship the Lord, and to remember His death, on the first day of the week, proclaim they had the authority of Christ to do so—Acts 20:7.
4. There is a special blessing promised to those who keep God’s Day of rest—Isa. 56:4, 5.
5. If God’s Day is not recognized, people will drift into the rapids of agnosticism, rationalism, covetousness, self-pleasure, and sin; for if we cut ourselves from one of God’s commands, we shall cut ourselves from others—Isa. 56:2, 6; 58:13.
6. Disobedience to remember the Sabbath by self-action always brings punishment, as is evidenced in the man who gathered sticks on the Sabbath—Num. 15:32–41; and in the case of those who gathered manna—Exod. 16:25, 26.
7. And the most important of all, is, the Sabbath is a Holy Day; for the Lord has sanctified it—Gen. 2:3; hence, for man to take what is holy to the Lord for his own use is to commit a trespass in God’s holy things; and when any man did this under the law, atonement had to be made for his sin, and reparation—See Lev. 5:14–19. It is a principle we do well to recognize, that in all God’s commands He has our best interests at heart, and we study our own interests when we obey His bidding.