WE MUST STUDY THE WORD OF GOD James 1:25 GW However, the person who continues to study God’s perfect laws that make people free and who remains committed to them will be blessed. People like that don’t merely listen and forget; they actually do what God’s laws say. IF YOU WILL STUDY GOD’S WORD, COMMITT TO GOD’S WORD, AND LIVE BY GOD’S WORD, YOU WILL BE BLESSED BY GOD. GOD AND I ARE ASKING YOU TO PLEASE SHARE THIS WORD WITH FAMILY AND FRIENDS, THANK YOU. Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PayPal.me/donatetochurch PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
A Psalm of Confidence Psalm 16:1–11 Protect me, O God, because I take refuge in you. I said to the LORD, “You are my Lord. Without you, I have nothing good.” Those who lead holy lives on earth are the noble ones who fill me with joy. Those who quickly chase after other gods multiply their sorrows. I will not pour out their sacrificial offerings of blood or use my lips to speak their names. The LORD is my inheritance and my cup. You are the one who determines my destiny. Your boundary lines mark out pleasant places for me. Indeed, my inheritance is something beautiful. I will praise the LORD, who advises me. My conscience warns me at night. I always keep the LORD in front of me. When he is by my side, I cannot be moved. That is why my heart is glad and my soul rejoices. My body rests securely because you do not abandon my soul to the grave or allow your holy one to decay. You make the path of life known to me. Complete joy is in your presence. Pleasures are by your side forever. “You are my Lord,” the psalmist acknowledges. “I have no good apart from you” (Psa 16:2). We know that God is everything we need, but somehow the details still get in the way. We want to alleviate our troubles through other means—that vacation, the position that will bring recognition, or the spouse who will complete us. The psalmist says that anyone who places their desire in anything other than God will only increase in sorrow (Psa 16:4). It seems radical and difficult to live out the psalmist’s simple confession. The ancient practice of idol worship is alive and well in our modern-day culture and in our own hearts. (Just look at the magazine rack or TV shows if you think I’m wrong: what is worshiped there?) We are just like the Israelites—unfaithful and prone to “hurry after another god” (Psa 16:4). For the psalmist, however, “Yahweh is the portion which is my share and my cup” (Psa 16:5). He is all the psalmist ever needs: “I have set Yahweh before me always. Because he is at my right hand I will not be shaken” (Psa 16:8). God brings the psalmist hope, and He can do the same for us. We just need to turn to Him. ALLOW THIS PASSAGE OF SCRIPTURE TO BE A GUIDE UNTO YOUR LIFE. Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
GOD TEACHES US ABOUT FAMILY God instituted marriage as a monogamous, lifelong relationship, Mark 10:2–12 , to be established in a home separate from that of the parents, Eph. 5:31. Adultery is so serious as to be the subject of the seventh commandment, Ex. 20:14, where it stands between murder and stealing. The husband is given the place of headship, but he is to love his wife enough to be willing to be crucified for her, Eph. 5:22–33. He bears the responsibility to provide for his family, 1 Tim. 5:8, and to rear the children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord, Eph. 6:4; Deut. 6:6, 7. He is warned not to provoke or discourage them, Col. 3:21. The wife is given the place of subjection to her husband, Eph. 5:22–33; 1 Pet. 3:1–6 , but she is to have the place of honor in the home, 1 Pet. 3:7. If either fails to give the other the place accorded by Scripture, their prayers are hindered. Children occupy the place of obedience to both parents, Eph. 6:1–3; Prov. 22:15; 23:23:13, whom they must honor and requite, Eph. 6:2; 1 Tim. 5:4; John 19:26. Servants in the household are to be given fair treatment by their employers, Col. 4:1. On their part, they are required to be obedient and honest, Tit. 2:9, 10, and faithful in their work, Col. 3:22–24. I HOPE YOU ENJOYED AND RECEIVED FROM THIS QUICK REFRESHER. PayPal.me/donatetochurch PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
A WORD FROM GOD Romans 8:28 ESV And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose. Psalms 55:22 GW Turn your burdens over to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will never let the righteous person stumble. Psalms 9:10 GW Those who know your name trust you, O Lord, because you have never deserted those who seek your help. Mark 5:36 ESV But overhearing what they said, Jesus said to the ruler of the synagogue, “Do not fear, only believe.” ALLOW THESE VERSES TO BE A GUIDE UNTO YOUR LIFE. Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
JESUS CRHIST IS OUR HEALER Matthew 8:16–17 In the evening the people brought him many who were possessed by demons. He forced the ⸤evil⸥ spirits out of people with a command and cured everyone who was sick. So what the prophet Isaiah had said came true: “He took away our weaknesses and removed our diseases.” Luke 4:40 When the sun was setting, everyone who had friends suffering from various diseases brought them to him. He placed his hands on each of them and cured them. Matthew 4:24 The news about Jesus spread throughout Syria. People brought him everyone who was sick, those who suffered from any kind of disease or pain. They also brought epileptics, those who were paralyzed, and people possessed by demons, and he cured them all. Luke 9:11 But the crowds found out about this and followed him. He welcomed them, talked to them about God’s kingdom, and cured those who were sick. ALLOW THESE VERSES TO BE A GUIDE UNTO YOUR LIFE. GOD IS OUR HEALER, LET US SEEK GOD IN PRAYER FOR OUR HEALING. GOD WILL HERE OUR PRAYER AND ANSWER OUR PRAYER. Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PayPal.me/donatetochurch PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
GOD TEACHES ABOUT HONESTY Proverbs 21:3 To do what is right and just is more acceptable to the Lord than sacrifice. 2 Timothy 2:15 Do your best to present yourself to God as one approved, a worker who does not need to be ashamed and who correctly handles the word of truth. Psalm 112:5 Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice. Proverbs 12:22 The Lord detests lying lips, but he delights in people who are trustworthy. Psalm 34:13 Keep your tongue from evil and your lips from telling lies. LET US RECEIVE FROM THIS QUICK REFRESHER. ALLOW THESE VERSES TO BE A GUIDE UNTO YOUR LIFE. Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PayPal.me/donatetochurch PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
GOD’S TWO GREATEST COMMANDS Mark 12:30-31 ESV And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these. THESE ARE GOD’S 2 GREATEST COMMANDS. IF YOU CAN MASTER THESE TWO GREAT COMMANDS, YOU ARE ON YOUR WAY TO HEAVEN. THANK ABOUT IT. PayPal.me/donatetochurch Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
BECAUSE OF GOD’S GRACE 2 Samuel 7:8-9 “Now this is what you will say to my servant David: ‘This is what the LORD of Armies says: I took you from the pasture where you followed sheep so that you could be the leader of my people Israel. I was with you wherever you went, and I destroyed all your enemies in front of you. I will make your name famous like the names of the greatest people on earth. LET US NOT FORGET WHERE WE CAME FROM. LET US NOT FORGET ALL THAT GOD PROTECTED US FROM. WE DIDN’T GET HERE ON OUIR OWN. WE DIDN’T DEFEAT OUR ENEMIES ( SICKNESS, DISEASE, POVERTY, EVIL PEOPLE, ETC) GOD DEFEATED OUR ENEMIES FOR US BECAUSE OF HIS GRACE. WE ARE WHERE WE ARE TODAY BECAUSE OF THE GRACE OF GOD. WE MAY NOT BE WHERE WE WANT TO BE, BUT THINK ABOUT HOW BAD IT COULD BE, BUT IT IS NOT, AND IT IS BECAUSE OF THE GRACE OF GOD, AND BECAUSE OF GOD’S GRACE GOD WILL EVEN TAKE US TO A BETTER PLACE. GLOOORRRYYYY!!! HALLELUJAH!!! PayPal.me/donatetochurch Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
GOD KNOWS ALL. Proverbs 15:3 The eyes of the Lord are everywhere. they watch evil people and good people. Ecclesiastes 12:14 God will certainly judge everything that is done. This includes every secret thing, whether it is good or bad. THINK ABOUT IT!!!! PayPal.me/donatetochurch Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM
Hebrews 4:16 So let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most. Psalm 91:14-15 “Because he loves me,” says the LORD, “I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honor him. Psalm 50:15 and call on me in the day of trouble; I will deliver you, and you will honor me.” Psalm 54:4 Surely God is my help; the Lord is the one who sustains me. 2 Samuel 22:33 It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure. Psalm 125:1 For with God nothing shall be impossible. LET US REMEMBER AND BELEIVE THIS WORD FROM GOD. OBEY, TRUST, BELIEVE, AND RECEIVE!!! GLOOORRRY!!! HALLELUJAH!!! PayPal.me/donatetochurch Everlastingsalvationchurchofgod.com PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAM