Set patterns of behaviour. These patterns can be helpful when they lead to spiritual discipline and a regular pattern of prayer and worship; others can be detrimental to faith.
Examples of good habits
Reading and obeying God’s word.
Psalm 119:56-60 This has happened to me because I have obeyed your guiding principles. You are my inheritance, O LORD. I promised to hold on to your words. With all my heart I want to win your favor. Be kind to me as you promised. I have thought about my life, and I have directed my feet back to your written instructions. Without any hesitation I hurry to obey your commandments.
Psalm 119:44 I will follow your teachings forever and ever.
Psalm 119:97 Oh, how I love your teachings! They are in my thoughts all day long.
Examples of bad habits
Jeremiah 22:21 I spoke to you when you were prosperous, but you said that you wouldn’t listen. This is how you’ve been ever since you were young. You don’t listen to me.
Judges 2:19 But after each judge died, the people went back to their old ways and acted more corruptly than their parents. They followed, served, and worshiped other gods. They never gave up their evil practices and stubborn ways.
Ezekiel 33:31 Then they come to you, as if they are still my people, and they sit down in front of you. They listen to what you say, but they don’t do it. They say that they love me, but in their hearts they chase dishonest profits.
1 Timothy 5:13 At the same time, they learn to go around from house to house since they have nothing else to do. Not only this, but they also gossip and get involved in other people’s business, saying things they shouldn’t say.
Warnings to avoid certain habits
Hebrews 10:25 We should not stop gathering together with other believers, as some of you are doing. Instead, we must continue to encourage each other even more as we see the day of the Lord coming.
1 Timothy 5:13 At the same time, they learn to go around from house to house since they have nothing else to do. Not only this, but they also gossip and get involved in other people’s business, saying things they shouldn’t say.