The necessary consequence of sin.
Romans 6:16
Don’t you know that if you offer to be someone’s slave, you must obey that master? Either your master is sin, or your master is obedience. Letting sin be your master leads to death. Letting obedience be your master leads to God’s approval.
Romans 8:13
If you live by your corrupt nature, you are going to die. But if you use your spiritual nature to put to death the evil activities of the body, you will live.
James 1:13–15
When someone is tempted, he shouldn’t say that God is tempting him. God can’t be tempted by evil, and God doesn’t tempt anyone. Everyone is tempted by his own desires as they lure him away and trap him. Then desire becomes pregnant and gives birth to sin. When sin grows up, it gives birth to death.
The wages of sin.
Romans 6:23
The payment for sin is death, but the gift that God freely gives is everlasting life found in Christ Jesus our Lord.
The portion of the wicked.
Matthew 25:41
“Then the king will say to those on his left, ‘Get away from me! God has cursed you! Go into everlasting fire that was prepared for the devil and his angels!
Matthew 25:46
“These people will go away into eternal punishment, but those with God’s approval will go into eternal life.”
Romans 1:32
Although they know God’s judgment that those who do such things deserve to die, they not only do these things but also approve of others who do them.
Christ, the only way of escape from.
John 3:16
God loved the world this way: He gave his only Son so that everyone who believes in him will not die but will have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but to save the world.
Acts 4:12
No one else can save us. Indeed, we can be saved only by the power of the one named Jesus and not by any other person.”