God Knows All but Waits for Confession adrakes845@yahoo.comSeptember 14, 2023Leave a comment God Knows All but Waits for ConfessionPROVERBS 28:13-14Whoever covers over his sins does not prosper. Whoever confesses and abandons them receives compassion. Blessed is the one who is always fearful ⸤of sin⸥, but whoever is hard-hearted falls into disaster.HEBREWS 4:13No creature can hide from God. Everything is uncovered and exposed for him to see. We must answer to him.Let Us Not Be Ashamed to Confess SinPSALM 32:5I made my sins known to you, and I did not cover up my guilt. I decided to confess them to you, O LORD. Then you forgave all my sins. SelahPSALM 38:18I confess my guilt. My sin troubles me.The Lord knows all things, but He waits for your words, not that He may punish, but that He may pardon. It is not His will that the devil should triumph over you and accuse you when you conceal your sins. Be beforehand with your accuser: if you accuse yourself, you will fear no accuser; if you report yourself, though you were dead you shall live.SOME THINK THEY ARE GETTING AWAY WITH THEIR EVIL SINFUL WAYS, BUT UNDERSTAND GOD SAW YOU WHEN YOU DID IT, AND HEARD YOU WHEN YOU SAID IT.GOD KNOWS ALL.LET US CONFESS OUR SINS UNTO GOD, AND BE RESTORED BY GOD.PASTOR ANDRA HIGGINBOTHAMEVERLASTING SALVATION CHURCH OF GOD MINISTRIESPayPal.me/donatetochurch